Friday, January 29, 2016

Closing Ties, Russia and Pakistan prepares Joint Military Exercise

Closing Ties, Russia and Pakistan prepares Joint Military Exercise

    Pakistan and Russia once again coming closer by organizing a joint military exercise to validate the tactics and co operation between Russian and Pakistani armed forces, Both were agreed to conduct the first ever joint military exercise in mountains to enhance the relationship between Russia and Pakistan, A step to boost the Russian Pakistani military releationship.

    Russian commander in chief Oleg Salyukov briefed to media that, Russia plans to conduct/join seven joint military exercise with their allies, The major exercises include, Indian Russian Indra, Russian Mongolian Selenga, Russian Vietnam exercise along with the Russian Pakistani mountain drills.  

     The Pakistani's also confirmed the Russian press reports, Saying they were in talks with Russian to boost the military cooperation, they also pointed the recent contract of Mi 35 helicopters to Pakistan.

     Last week a Russian delegation arrived in Islamabad to meet with Pakistani counterparts to discuss about the attack helicopter delivery contract and the planned military drills. The Pakistani military chief Raheel also attended the meet, Sources said some other military deals too negotiated between Pakistan and Russia.

    Russia lifts the Pakistani arms embargo in June 2014, and send it's military leaders to revamp the Pakistani Russian relationship,  later in November Russia and Pakistan signed a bilateral defense cooperation to strengthen military relationship between both countries. In August 2015 Russia and Pakistan signed a deal to procure four Mi 35 attack helicopters with possible follow on orders in future.  

    Pakistan also asked the Russians to supply the Tor M surface to air missile in large numbers, The SAM acquisition program still in negotiations, The new generation mobile air defense batteries can pose serious threat to Indian air force, If IAF plans for a surgical strike inside Pakistan.

    Last year Pakistani Army chief visit Russia to discuss about the possible military sale of those Tor M air defense missile batteries, Pakistan also shown interest in buying the modified Su 35 S for maritime strike missions. Both the Russia and Pakistan confirmed about the possible negotiations for supplying upto 12 Su 35 S to Pakistan.

    It's already reported that Russia also assisting and plans to construct more nuclear power plants in Pakistan, with the assistance from China, Pakistan currently building three new pressurized water reactors.