US Congress blocks Possible F 16 Sale to Pakistan
As expected the US Congress blocked the Pakistani proposal of possible sale of modern F 16 Blk 52 Fighter jets, associated equipment's and missile systems. The Democratic American government agreed the Pakistani proposal of foreign military sales program to sell the F 16 C/D to Pakistan, However the congress who dominated by Republicans blocked the government proposal.
There is one more way to deliver those fighter jets to Pakistan, that's The democratic president use his VETO power to bypass the Congress decision. Obama used his VETO power many times which makes many questions about Obama's over action bypassing the Congress decisions. The Republicans are mostly pro Indian and continuously slammed US friendly approach towards Pakistan.
Pakistan approached US for possible sale of some eight Modern Blk 52 F 16 fighters, The Pakistani's overreacted by saying they will get the F 16 E/F or the Block 60 version, without knowing buying the F 16 Blk 60 needs UAE's approval, since most of the R&D spend on Block 60 is by UAE.
However this time as a surprise, A Democratic senator, who pushed the stall button when the congress discussed about the possible sale of F 16 to Pakistan. The deal further blocked by majority of Republican senators. There were very few or zero American senators defended the Proposed deal.
The Pathankot attack also the major reason behind the block, since the US intelligence already alerted the Indians about possible terror attack close to India Pakistan border. US always pushed the Indians to continue peace talks with Pakistan. However Pakistan didn't interested in peace talks but interested in sponsoring terrorists to carry out attacks against India.
One of the senior defense analyst and Ex CIA Bruce Riedel working under Brookings Institute who funded by Washington, said that Pakistani intelligence agency helped the Terrorists and gives training to the terrorists to attack the key forward air base in India close to Pakistan. India already have many evidences about the Air force base attack, where Pakistan yet to react.
The Congress members also concerned about the Earlier delivered F 16's too pose a serious threat against India, Pakistan might use those fighter jets against the America's emerging new friend in Asia the Indians. By arming Pakistan makes huge imbalance in south Asia and destabilize the relationship between India and America.
US Congress also warned that, the Pakistani's who continuously supporting the terrorists organizations who acting against India and Afghanistan also assisting other terrorist groups who planting attacks over Europe and America. Senators also concerned about US continuously supporting Pakistan to attack terrorists, rather than attacking the Pakistani's are helping the terrorists.
US Congress members also informed about American made Night Vision devices supplied to Pakistan found in Gurdaspur attack, Which is currently being investigated by FBI. This worries Pakistan is not a trusted ally, He is the Back stabber. A senate member told.
The Congress also discussed about the Financial support to Pakistan, Which will be discussed with designated officers and Think tanks before making decision, US Congress informed to the Public.