Sunday, January 31, 2016

HAL Annual Report 2014-2015, Key Points

HAL Annual Report 2014-2015, Key Points

     HAL Releases the 2014-2015 fiscal year report, with exact information of last year's performance and auditing reports, The report also include HAL's joint ventures with foreign nations, new project's, and status of the ongoing projects. The Report also carry's the CAG's earlier report and HAL's statement as counter arguments. The entire report available to download here,

Light Combat Helicopter (LCH)

    LCH program witnessed considerable progress with completion of 133 flights during FY 2014-15 on three Technology Demonstrator vehicles taking the cumulative number of flights to 484. The third Technology Demonstrator vehicle TD-3 joined the flight efforts with its first flight on 12th November, 2014.

 Cold weather trials were carried out successfully at Air Force Station, Leh in February, 2015. To expedite the process of Initial Operation Clearance, production of 4th Technology Demonstrator was launched and this will join flight test program during the 2015-16.

Light Utility Helicopter (LUH)

   Design and Development of LUH progressed with achievement of many critical design activities during the year. Main gear box and Tail gear box wipe tests were completed along with functional tests. All gears for transmission system were developed. Whirl tower test for main rotor and tail rotor carried out. Initial Ground Test Vehicle (GTV) run was carried out on 6th December, 2014. 

   Build of the first prototype helicopter progressed with completion of four modules during the year viz., Transmission Deck assembly, Bottom Structure assembly, Engine Deck assembly & Cockpit assembly.

Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT)

     A total of 140 flights carried out during FY 2014-15 taking the cumulative number of fl ights 1004 sorties. Desirable stall characteristic were achieved, which is one of the major criteria for certification. High Speed Low Drag (HSLD) carriage at Out Board pylon, Anti skid testing, all cases of Drop tank jettison by jettisoning partial and empty Drop tanks had been carried out during the year. Flight tests for Spin performance are planned during 2015-16.

Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)

    As of end 2014-15, 2871 flights completed in total and 364 flights carried out during the year. Maiden flight of LCA PV-6 trainer aircraft was successfully completed on 8th November, 2014. Second Naval prototype, NP-2, made its maiden flight on 6th February, 2015. Telemetry free flying was also achieved during the year for the first time in the LCA flight program demonstrating the readiness for delivering the aircraft to operational use.

Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA)

    Contract Negotiation for R & D Phase progressed further with several Bilateral CNC meetings with Russian participation during the FY 2014-15. Hon’ble Raksha Mantri reviewed the project on 23rd January, 2015

Multi-Role Transport Aircraft (MTA)

    Preliminary Design Phase (PDP) Documentation was received by MTAL, on 2nd April, 2014. Five Joint Review of PDP Documentation by IAF, MTAL, UAC-TA and HAL held. Formal closure of PDP to be carried out after final technical acceptance of PDP documentation by Customer (IAF).

Jaguar DARIN III upgrade

    Cumulative of 60 developmental flights were completed on Maritime and Strike variant upgraded aircraft. Operational performance of Avionics LRU’s such as Radar, INGPS, Head up Display, Digital Map Generator, Solid State Flight Data Recorder (SSFDR), Solid State digital Video Recorder (SSDVR), IFF, Tactical Navigation (TACAN), Radio Altimeter RAM), INCOM Radio set, Auto Pilot and Engine Flight Instrumentation System (EFIS) were proven during flight tests.

    Development of OSAMC unit and Integration of SSDVR, New Smart Multi function Display (SMD), EFIS & RADAR and other navigational systems with OSAMC completed. Maiden flight of the upgraded Jaguar strike aircraft was carried out successfully on 25th March, 2015. The Design and Development work for this upgrade program is carried out indigenously by HAL.

Mirage 2000 upgrade

    Upgrade of Mirage 2000 aircraft progressed further with completion of System Design, Hardware Design and Software design. Critical Design review has been completed in April, 2014. Contracts have been signed for critical LRU/ systems. Two Aircrafts have been upgraded to IOC standard by OEM at France.


    Indigenous Design and Development of mini UAV has been taken up by HAL. First flight of Low cost Composite Technology Demonstrator (LCTD) was carried out in September, 2014. Auto pilot integrated on LCTD and flights carried out. Stage –II of Mini UAV project has been initiated.

Development of Engines

    Significant progress has been done in the Design and Development of 25 KN engine with completion of Core engine layout. Detail Design of core engine components has been completed and drawings were released for parts fabrication. On Design and Development of 1200 KW engine, engine configuration studies completed. Modeling and analysis of various engine components initiated.

Current Projects and Programs

     Currently, your Company is executing supply orders of Su-30 MKI Aircraft, Hawk Advance Jet Trainer Aircraft, Light Combat Aircraft, Dornier-228 Aircraft, Advanced Light Helicopter (Dhruv), Cheetal Helicopters, Pilotless Target Aircraft (PTA) to Indian Defence customers. In addition, Limited Series production of Intermediate Jet Trainers progressed concurrently with the certifi cation eff orts towards Initial Operation Clearance. First fl ight of indigenously Designed and Developed mini UAV successfully completed on 23rd September, 2014. HAL made considerable progress in the
Design and Development projects.