Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Mission Debrief : Para Commandos Cross Border Raid

Mission Debrief : Para Commandos Cross Border Raid 

Army did a Tough operation outside Indian Borders, The Militants groups mainly from NSCN(K), ULFA and KLF did a Plot of Ambushing Indian Army's Ghatak forces from Dogra Regiment, they completed their routine Patrol and returning to their base camps. on the way the Militant groups ambushed the Army convoy's and firing Rocket Propelled Grenades along with Heavy machine Gun fire, resulting 18 of the Army soldiers lives, 

The Government looks this incident seriously, sends it's NSA ( National Security Advisor/Agency) to take care of those Militants who attacked the Army convoy. Doval head of NSA along with NIA team set a base camp near Chnadel district Manipur, and they started the investigation, early informations clearly mentions that the attackers already fled into Myanmar where they living Myanmar Jungles.

So it's a tough scenario to the NSA to search and perform scout missions outside Indian territory, thus needs High level Clearance, Also center gives a the order to NSA carry out reconnaissance missions inside Myanmar. NSA used UAV's to carryout reconnaissance missions, since satellites are useful for searching such a forests, UAV with thermal camera's is important.

 The Team almost collected all Ground informations and confirmed about their positions, they get additional informations by tracking their wireless phone signals, further confirming their identity, after those informations collected, NSA need to carry out attack missions outside Borders, so plenty of options discussed, so Surgical strike is must, so using Air power neglected. they need a elite commando's to carryout the attacks, so far Army is concerned this matter Army's Elite Para Commandos the 21st para Special forces called in, 

Before that Army, CRPF and Civil police almost explored each and every inch of Chandel Forests, fond no sign of militants,

NSA again send a nod to the Government for cross border Action, Such a missions are hardly accepted by governments, usually India uses the Diplomatic options to resolve such matters. in most cases Government gives proper evidences to foreign nation about the insurgency group and ask to their Army to carryout attack missions, results mostly failures.

But this time Government don't want to waste the time on such discussion, they give go order to NSA, soon after NSA assigned  a 40 members of elite para commandos, and boarded them into Indian made Dhruv Helicopters, there is no report of how many Dhruv's used, but seems like three to four of them used, two with commando's one for Emergency, also a Mi 35 attack Helicopters for over watch. 

  The team crossed the Indo Myanmar border and dropped the soldier 4 kilometers far from the Borders, meanwhile the Mi 35 used it's primary 12.7mm cannon for close support, the Shock and awe mission usually known in Military words. the militants tumbled with in a seconds para's annihilated each and every of them, and boarded into their respective helicopters. and come back safely. 

The death counts noted from twenty to Fifty on enemy side, and Commandos even don't get a Injury. a marvelous operation done by Indian Army.