Thursday, April 14, 2016

Chinese flankers deployed close to Indian border

Chinese flankers deployed close to Indian border

China increases it's military presence close to Indian border for the last couple years, which include new constructions, transport links and fighter aircraft facilities. The Indo China border almost covered by wide range of Chinese surveillance radars and fighter jets too, which can penetrate Indian air space very easily with the support of modern long range missiles such as S 400.

The Chinese air force is well equipped with modern combat aircraft's.having more than 1500 combat capable modern fourth generation fighter jets, which include more than 600 Flanker variants, who outnumbers entire Indian air force fighter numbers as of today. The heavy fighters supported by light fighter like J 10. and ground attack fighters like JH 7, who also act as a electronic attack fighter too. 

Military analysts confirms that China deployed nearly five to ten squadron of fighter jets in the Lhanzu and Chengdu military regions, who covers northern and western Indian borders, those two military regions act as Indian front, who can focus only about India, China recently restructured the Military commands by changing the small operational regions into military regions, who focus India, Taiwan and Pacific separately.

In the Lanzhou military region who is part of the western military district, covers entire Tibet plateau and India's northern frontier. PLAAF deployed two Flanker squadron, three JH 7 squadron and two   J 10 squadrons. these fighter jets can be thrown in a matter of time towards India. the well equipped military base can allow large number of sortie rates and keeps the service availability of the fighters always in maximum.

Both the Flanker and JH 7 is long range fighter attacker, who specially placed near Tibet to attack Indian forward positions near Kashmir and Uthrakand, even it can try to penetrate the Delhi's airspace too with the EW support from JH 7.

The Lanzhou military region also well supported by aerial refulers and advanced air borne control systems and SIGINT platforms, the Y 8 and An 30 placed in the region can give real time target information to the friendly fighter jets.

Those are all nothing when the H 6 comes as front runner, actually those H 6 bombers could not breach the Indian airspace, due to it's speed and design, even it's older design too. However China uses the H 6 as a missile carrier, by carrying more number of long range cruise missiles, even the newer H 6 E/F variants are remodeled to carry nuclear missiles. In  conventional warfare they too act as a good cruise missile carrier, which can confuse the IAF radars and fighters so much.

So far there is no clear information available about the HQ 9 air defense units in Lanzhou, However entire airspace can be shielded by variety of Soviet designed Chinese cloned air defense missiles and artillery's. who poses a tough challenges to Indian air force, if IAF planned to perform close air support to ground troops. Since Chinese main goal is to keep the IAF sit in the hanger, where PLA ground troops easily outnumber Indian troops along the border.

 Actual details about the Chengdu's military power is not available in open source, since many accused China make this route as favor for any offensive mission against India, who earn victory's in 1962. However satellite analysts reported the Chengdu almost as capable as the power of Lanzhou military region.

In what under new command both the Chengdu and Lanzhou military region comes under the Chinese western theater command, for quick response and focusing India as the main objective. On the other side India still trying to get good option to counter the Chinese deployment.