TATA delivered 300 ATV's to Indian Army
Tata Motors has bagged an order to supply around 1,200 vehicles of its high-mobility 6X6 multi-axle trucks, from
the Indian Army – the single largest order awarded to an Indian
private original equipment manufacturers (OEM) in land systems under
the DPP by the Indian army. The order for 6X6 vehicles is for ‘material
handling cranes’ for the loading-unloading and transportation of
ammunition pallets, spares and other operational equipment.
Developed indigenously, the Tata 6X6 high mobility all-terrain
all-wheel drive vehicle has completed a total trial duration of 25
months, demonstrating maximum performance in the most demanding
conditions. Designed to cope with extreme on or off-road loads, these
vehicle have gone through trials like water-fording, on cross country
terrains and plains and at Vehicle Research & Development
Establishment’s (VRDE) torture track.
The Tata 6X6 is designed for easy operability. The vehicle is easy to
maintain, due to accessibility to its aggregates. The vehicle is
fitted with central tire inflation system (CTIS) for mobility in soft
sand desert conditions. The CTIS allows the driver to adjust the tyre
pressure from his seat. The system provides the vehicle with better
traction on different types of surfaces, especially when carrying vital
and heavy loads. The self-recovery winch assists in extraction of the
vehicle (including other vehicles in the convoy) during operations.
vehicles cabin is modular with HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning) and is fully-ready for up-armouring. High ground clearance
enables better negotiation of gradients, sand dunes, off-road
terrains, trenches with higher water and mud fording capabilities,
whilst carrying designated military payloads. The vehicle is also
capable of achieving sustained speeds of 40 kmph, on severe cross
country terrains.
Vernon Noronha, vice president, Defence and Government Business, Tata Motors said, “We
at Tata Motors are extremely proud to have bagged the single largest
order, among Indian OEM’s from the Indian army, for the most
technologically advanced high mobility load carrier system ever built
here in India. The order is a validation of our strategy and growth
potential, for our durable and extensive range of defence vehicles,
designed and developed with our evolving customers, including that of
security forces across the world. As leading suppliers of mobility
solutions to the country’s security forces, we will shortly commence
delivery of these high-mobility vehicles”.
The Tata Motors 6X6 high-mobility multi-axle vehicles can be customised for a wide range of applications such as:
- CGT (Common Gun Tower)
- MBRL (Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher)
- MFU (Missile Firing Unit)
- MSV (Missile Service Vehicle)
- FSV (Field Service Vehicle)
- SRSAM (Short Range Surface to Air Missile)
- QRSAM (Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile) vehicle
- LLQRM (Low Level Quick Reaction Missile) vehicle
- MRV (Medium Recovery Vehicle)
Tata Motors offers its defence customers with a wide range of
vehicles, in the light, medium and heavy category, having created a
focused division to design and develop defence technologies and
products, at its manufacturing facilities in Jamshedpur and Pune. Tata
Motors also has a dedicated service team and network for defence
products, across the length and breadth of the country.
Horizonext, Tata Motors four-pronged customer-focused strategy, we have
adopted a customer centric approach in the design and development of
our mobile defence land solutions, that are reliable, offer optimum
usability, and are easily serviceable, with technology at the forefront.
For self-reliance in the area of combat vehicles and engineering, Tata
Motors has laid emphasis on the development of combat vehicle
technologies and systems, with the aim of empowering our defence
forces, with breakthrough technologies. The idea is to ensure high
mobility, fire power and protection to troops during military
operations, with world-class armoured fighting vehicles. Hence Tata
Motors is strategically moving from a logistics support provider, to a
combat vehicle player.
In combat vehicles, Tata Motors has designed and developed
indigenously, the wheeled armoured platform (WHAP), an Indian armoured
personnel carrier, designed for optimized survivability, all terrain
performance and increased lethality. Tata Motors has also developed a
light armoured multi-role vehicle (LAMV), a reconnaissance vehicle,
combining vital operational pre requisites of mobility, protection and
firepower. Equipped with modern observation, surveillance and
communication equipment, the vehicle will provide our armed forces with
a technological edge necessary to achieve superiority on the