Saturday, April 2, 2016

Ministry report of security situation of Kashmir in 2015

Ministry report of security situation of Kashmir in 2015

   The changing global geo-political dynamics presents the Nation with multiple security challenges. While constantly reviewing its operational preparedness/ postures to meet the perceived security challenges, the Indian Army (IA) is committed to the defence of the country from external and internal threats across the entire spectrum of warfare. Also, in times of disaster/ natural calamities, the Indian Army is in the forefront, providing aid and succour to the affected people.

  The security situation of J&K is at an important cross road of transcending from conflict stabilisation to conflict resolution domain. The relentless efforts put in by security forces helped the ‘Awaam’ gain confidence which led to a high voter turnout in the Parliamentary and Assembly elections. People have entrusted faith in the Indian democratic system, shunned violence and are yearning for peace and stability.

Ceasefire Violations (CFVs)

The ceasefire along the Actual Ground Position Line (AGPL), Line of Control (LC) and International Border (IB) Sectors in Jammu and Kashmir has generally held. In the year 2014, there were 153 CFVs along the LC and the year 2015 witnessed 152 CFVs. Appropriate and effective retaliation, where required, was carried out to the CFVs initiated by Pakistan.

The incidents of CFVs are taken up through the established mechanisms of hotlines, Flag Meetings and DGMO’s talks. Overall, Pakistan continues to calibrate violence to keep the LC alive and to showcase issue of unresolved/ unsettled borders in J&K.


Pakistan, despite its recent peace overtures, has left no stone unturned to internationalise the Kashmir issue. The terror infrastructure remains intact across the border. While infiltration bids, CFVs have been on a decline in the last three months of 2015, this may just be a temporary phase of tiding over the internal security issues which are on a rise within Pakistan.

Infiltration Bids Eliminated

During the year 2015, the Army eliminated 18 infiltration bids resulting in killing of 30 terrorists whereas in 2014, the Army had eliminated 23 infiltration bids resulting in killing of 36 terrorists.

Successful Infiltration

As per assessment, in 2015 till December 31, 2015, 33 terrorists infiltrated successfully out of the 121 who attempted whereas in 2014, 65 terrorists were successful out of 222 who attempted to infiltrate.