Thursday, October 1, 2015

ITBP plans new Command Center in Leh

ITBP plans new Command Center in Leh

    ITBP all set to commence new command center in Leh, to counter Chinese movements near Ladakh and Leh regions, recently Soldiers from Indian Army and ITBP commandos destroyed a small Chinese watchtower inside Indian territory, also Chinese Soldiers confronting Indian soldiers near border regularly, Indian Soldiers need to clear bunch of protocols before taking any action against the Chinese forces, there is no reports of using fire arms, however small manhandling reported many times, that can easily pave the way to use the fire arms, to eradicate the time delay and  perform quick reaction, ITBP asks the Ministry for a new Command center near Leh.

    The Home Minister, Rajnath Singh recently visited the Border area's and interacted with the Soldiers and officers posted close to International Border, they demanded a separate command center near Leh, to counter the Chinese infiltration near Ladakh and Leh, with the words from ITBP, once Rajnath return to Delhi, he starting working on the proposed plan.

   As of now, there were two ITBP head quarters, one is in Leh another is in Srinagar, however both of these head quarters under controlled by the ITBP Director General in Chandigarh, He is also responsible for the ITBP commando's deployed close to borders from Kashmir to Arunachal, so any precaution measures or orders should need the DG's approval, thus makes a huge delay before making any actions, What ITBP need is a new Command Headquarter in Leh, who can independently take decision and works very close to the Indian Army's 14 corps in Leh, thus give an upper hand to ITBP to confront Chinese incursions close to border.

     This allows ITBP and Indian Army works very closely, Since Indian Army has a command center in Leh, and ITBP has a Base camp in Daulat Beg Oldie, from their only ITBP send it's Soldiers to Patrol close to border Area's. ITBP, which is the first point of response to any incursion by the PLA, and the New command in Leh will be a completely new Command under the banner of `Ladakh Command’ and works on setting up the Headquarters at Leh would start soon, the Army too asking such separate command in Leh, however the Defense ministry Rejected it and keeps the Ladakh Base under Northern Military command. Indian Army's 14 corps currently deployed in Leh sector.

   As recently Ministry okay's ITBP's proposal of building 40 new Border outposts, where Chinese shows concern about Indian constructions close to borders, however Ministry sticks with his plans and rejected  Chinese plea.Home Ministry also willing to give two Mi 17 helicopters to ITBP to resupply the soldiers posted close to border,