Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Augsta Westland join hands with TATA to Manufacture AW 119 in India

Augsta Westland join hands with TATA to Manufacture AW 119 in India

    The Indian government finally approved the company named Indian Rotor craft Limited, which is a joint venture between Italian Agusta Westland and Indian TATA. the company plans to produce the European light helicopter AW 119 in India. because of the scam in VVIP helicopter supply the Indian government put the Augusta and it's prime company Finmeccanica into blacklist. due to the short of supply, government removes the ban, and continue bid in Indian Defense deals.

    The Light helicopter deal is one of the hanging deal since years. the tender for procuring some 200 plus light helicopter deal is scrapped many times since 2011. the Light helicopters replaces the vintage Chetak and Chetaah helicopters from Tri services. as a surprise the government announced they selected the Russian Kamov Ka 226T helicopters under make in India plan. government shortlisted the Ka 226T to supply more than 400 light helicopters to tri services and para military forces. however the contract yet to be signed. It's believed HAL joins with Kamov to license produce those helicopters in India.

    The Agusta westland also offers a light helicopter. the AW 119 is one of the good helicopter used in many foreign countries for multi role supports and patrols. even many Indian private aviation's owns some AW 119 and older A 109 versions. the AW 119 also a runner in the light helicopter deal, due to the blacklist Augtsa won't able to catch the deal.

    TATA is a good Private player in Indian military services, who already made many companies with foreigner supports. the last known CASA C 295 deal and Kestral programs are good examples. the government shortlisted the C 295 as the replacement of older HS 748. however the contract yet to be signed. the Kestral also impressed the Indian army officials, which is under tough trails. TATA plans to seal the $15 billion FICV deal.

   IRL- Indian Rotor craft limited plans to produce the AW 119 helicopters in it's Hyderabad facility as TATA recently inaugurates. which is a bigger technology hub in India. as per IRL officials they will try for the Defense ministry's light helicopter deal. however that's not the major program.  IRL plans to modify the existing AW 119 versions into more powerful modern AW 119Ke. which is currently bidding many foreign countries. as the new governments plan of make in India perfectly fits in the program, if the IRL secures any foreign contract.

Agusta A 109
  The helicopter costs less than $2 millions, as more than 200 units currently operated by multiple foreign customers, include military customers. the AW 119 mainly used for reconnaissance and search missions, also used for VIP transport and multiple naval missions. with the single engine and higher performance it's remains one of the most wanted private helicopters. and It's clear the newer AW 119Ke version impress many customer, which boosts the TATA and Agusta's pocket money. even India too get many opportunities, as TATA may absorb entire helicopter building process and manufacturing techniques.

  This gives TATA a good chance to design a in house Helicopter later, which can compete future Indian and International orders. as per the current plan the IRL may starts working to assemble the helicopters within next two years.