Tuesday, April 21, 2015

An another Pakistani Boat incident

An another Pakistani Boat incident

The Suspected Boat Pic India Today

   Details revealed Last night that Indian Coast Guard arrested and seized a Pakistani Boat bound to India, The Indian Navy also helped the Coast guard to make the operation Success.

     There were details emerged from Last night most top sources quoted that the Boat having nearly some INR 600 crore worth of Drugs and Satellites Phones, 

      The Operation Performed by ICG with the intelligence Report from Indian Intelligence, they were monitoring the Boat since last Saturday when it was left from the unknown Pakistani port. The Intelligence tracked the ship since the beginning.

      The ICG ships and its Interceptor boats circled the Pakistani suspected Ship and warned them to surrender. without any resistance from the Pakistani boat, ICG officials boarded into the Suspected boat and carried out a Search, they have some boxes middle of the Boat, where ICG officials suspected it's a laden (Suicide)  Boat, so they made careful search, 

      The empty Boxes covered a large contingent of Heroin kept bottom of the Empty Boxes, ICG officials seized the contingent, and made broader search, and they get another three satellite phones, those are highly expensive and can work in any area with the help of Satellites in the orbit.  

      With these kind of materials onboard the boat ICG officials arrested the Boat crew and towed the boat back to Porbunder ICG station, where they will question and detain those Pakistani's.and the Boat and ICG team will expected to reach Probunder by 21st April 1100 hrs, then only we can expect more details.

     The incident proves that earlier this year ICG Blows up a Bakistani Boat who refused obey the ICG orders.

      As Nithin Gokhle said Smugglers surrender, terrorists blow themselves up: difference between terror boat and this one

Hats off to ICG officials and Intelligence officers made this success..!!