Indian Armed Forces: Challenges for Modi
Originally Posted in Indian Defence Review
Indian Armed Forces: Challenges for Modi
By Col Danvir Singh
Issue Net Edition | Date : 16 May , 2014
MODI, MOODI, MOOODI, is not one of the chants by the crowd which we all
have heard in India during past six to eight months during the course of
political campaign of 2014. This euphoria was not just like that; it
was actually based on hope of Indians out of sheer desperation and
hopelessness prevailing all across the country at large. Armed forces
also, amongst all others have pinned a lot of hope from this change
that the country is witnessing this summer of 2014.
The corruption scams related to VIP helicopters, Adarsh and Sukhna are
some of the glaring example of the rot prevailing. It raises a question
mark over the probity and credibility of those in high offices.
Over a past few months I have been trying to understand the expectations
of our military from Narendra Modi. In my quest I would have spoken to a
large number of those in active service and also those who have long
hung their boots. The wish list is definitely long and these
expectations vary from a Soldier to a General. The Soldiers and their
young officers would prefer better living conditions, improved
infrastructure in border areas and off course a more promising pay
scale. These aspirations may find voices of concerns with the middle and
senior level officers as well, but there is a difference.
While the present lot of the generals would be keen on early
implementation of One-Rank-One-Pension. However the most imaginative and
objective lot is that of Colonels and Brigadiers and there equivalent
in Air Force and the Navy. It is this lot who will largely be holding
the fort and carry the burden of defense of India upon its shoulders at
the turn of the next general election in the year 2019. They would by
then be the two star and three star general officers, answerable to the
men they command and the nation they swear by.
What has emerged out of my series of interactions are five major things
amongst many that challenge the credibility of our armed forces. These are challenges related to LEADERSHIP, MORALE, ACCOUNTABLITY, INTEGRATION and CAPABLITY.
There is a big question mark over our leadership in the armed forces
as it raises doubt over the ways this senior leadership is selected.
The corruption scams related to VIP helicopters, Adarsh and Sukhna are
some of the glaring example of the rot prevailing. It raises a question
mark over the probity and credibility of those in high offices. Amidst
all this, what misses the glare is the fact that a trend has been
established over a few years of repudiating, evading and shirking the
responsibility by our top military leadership. Is it not ironic that
the General Bikram passed the buck onto the field commanders when the
reporters asked him of the Army’s response to the infamous beheading of
our soldiers on the LoC last year?
A trend started by General Bikram Singh as the Eastern army commander
followed by Lt General Dalbir Suhag who replaced him as the army
commander in Calcutta will further convince you to question the
selection process. Within the army it is a well known fact these two gentlemen have avoided taking decisions just to ensure non culpability, just in case the decision went wrong. This philosophy of work practiced by Bikram Singh as the Chief has demoralized the staff and commanders at all levels having a cascading effect.
Lt General Dalbir Suhag as the army commander Eastern Command followed
the footsteps of his predecessor. The growing worry is that the army may well have to suffer from this decision making paralysis for next two and a half years more.
For Modi to shake up the system so well entrenched may not be easy.
Requirement from military leaders having decisiveness, moral courage,
high probity are some of the attributes desperately required.
Beyond doubt this model of inaction has damaged the operational and
administrative functioning of the army. Indecisiveness arising out of
fear of committing a wrong is something dangerous. The military
commanders have to take risks, over cautious approach leads to general
demoralization of the force which is clearly evident across the board. The commanders these days at different levels avoid shouldering responsibility, an alarming trend.
This model unfortunately is becoming the preferred template to rise in
career without committing errors.
It is high time the process of
selecting chiefs just by seniority following the line of succession is
done away with and replaced by a deeper selection process. It is time
when character is placed higher than competence. For Modi to shake up
the system so well entrenched may not be easy. Requirement from military
leaders having decisiveness, moral courage, high probity are some of
the attributes desperately required.
It may be true that the blame of all the ills in the armed forces cannot
be levelled against the leadership alone. But the unfortunate incidents
like the ones seen at Leh in 226 Field Artillery regiment in May 2012
and later at Meerut in 10 SIKH LI in Oct 2013 are a matter of grave
concern and the leadership cannot be exonerated. In both these cases the
situation got so much out of hand that the Jawans ended up beating up
their own officer, something never heard before.
Such incidents
seriously lower the morale. The incidents of suicide and fratricide are
also not uncommon any more, which can be seen as an index of low morale.
A brigade commander in the North East in 2012, was caught taking bribe
from his commanding officers to write a favorable Annual Confidential
Report. An incident widely reported on the leading television channels
shook the basic faith of officers and men in the system. The
beheading and killing of our soldiers on the LoC and numerous other
occurrences of similar in nature, badly affects the self-confidence of
our troops.
These incidents may have been brushed aside as trivial when
compared to the large size of our army but then they definitely reflect
the down side in the organization. Such incidents adversely affect
the morale of the leaders and the led alike. Raising the morale of the
third largest armed forces should be the top most priority of our
generals and political masters alike.
The recent case of resignation by the Naval Chief Admiral DK Joshi over
continuous mishaps within the Navy may be a rare but a classic example
in the highest traditions of the armed forces of taking the moral
responsibility. Later on the government superseded Vice Admiral Sinha
over RK Dhawon as the next Navy Chief thus fixing the responsibility of
mishaps on correct shoulders. Admiral Sinha who was the Western Fleet
Commander all the while when the series of mishaps took place, was
rightly overlooked for the top job is again one of the rare case of
fixing accountability at highest levels.
…the greatest challenge would be in ensuring strong and capable armed forces. This can only happen by rapid modernization.
But then the story does not end here. What about those in the ministry
of defense who are responsible for delay in procurement of equipment,
timely up-gradations and modernization despite repeated requests from
various service chiefs? These delays have resulted in mishaps due to
malfunctioning and failure of the equipment.
The famous case in point
is that of the survivor of a MIG-21 crash, Wing Commander Sanjeet
Kalia, who had to take the legal course for seeking justice. The
honorable High Court of Delhi has apportioned the blame of this accident
resulting in debilitating injuries to the pilot upon manufacturing
defects and poor workmanship by the HAL. So what about the accountability of Defense Secretary Production and the head of the HAL?
Somebody has to be questioned for the loss to the exchequer. Someone
has to answer for the loss of life and limbs of many a great warrior of
our country lost due to the apathy and neglect of those responsible.
Shri Narendra Modi has a herculean task ahead to identify the dead wood.
He has to ensure simple and effective procedures are put in place so
that complete apparatus work like a well-oiled machine. A system is
desirable where those responsible are equally answerable.
Today no doubt the Army Headquarter is referred as the Integrated Head
Quarter of MOD (Army) and likewise for the Navy and the Air Force.
Unfortunately this is nothing but mere semantics with no worthwhile
integration. Implementation of Kargil Review committee report in the
right earnest and appointment of a Chief of Defense Staff backed by
necessary parliamentary sanction would be a true integration. In
doing so the aspects related to accountability, modernization will
automatically get streamlined.
However the most important aspect accrued
out of this transformation would be the formalization of a strategic
thought process, derived out of synergy between defence and other
ministries. A measure desperately needed by a country which is standing
at the thresh hold of a predicted Asian age of twenty first century.
This can very much be facilitated by this integration.
Integration of the service head quarters with the Ministry of Defence
(MOD) should be on a very high priority agenda for the Modi’s
government. Since our independence the service headquarter have been
adjunct to the MOD merely out of the fears of Jawahar Lal Nehru
originating out of a much hallucinated military coup. Though every
effort recently during the tenure of General VK Singh was made by the
then Defense Secretary Shashank Sharma to revive such fears by jointly
concocting a false story of a coup along with a leading national daily.
All this was done with an aim to discredit the Army Chief and in turn
the Army.
The immediate fall out would have been mistrust and
further isolation of the armed forces. It would have provided a reason
enough to suppress the legitimate desire of the Armed Forces for proper
integration with the MOD. Will the safeguards to prevent a repeat of
such an exercise by the bureaucrats put in place? How will the civil
military relation build on trust and faith needs to be seen in the days
to come?
Modi intends good relations with our belligerent neighbours and in his own words, “by looking straight into their eyes”. This can happen only if the country is strong.
Finally the greatest challenge would be in ensuring strong and capable armed forces. This
can only happen by rapid modernization. It is high time the management
of our defenses on our borders is technology driven rather being based
on the antiquated troop intensive philosophy which is of attrition in
Today the fighter strength in the Air Force has alarmingly
depleted. The submarine arm of the Navy virtually left with no punch.
The Army has night blind armoured with limited ammunition just enough to
fight one and a half days of intense battle. Air Defense is defunct and
artillery left with obsolete guns and systems. Infantry man is starved
of basic equipment and seriously looks forward to a good rifle at least
to match up with the enemy on the borders. The list is very long.
Shri Narendra Modi intends good relations with our belligerent
neighbours and in his own words, “by looking straight into their eyes”.
This can happen only if the country is strong. Military is the
manifestation of that strength that comes out of strong economy and
sound leadership. India beyond doubt deserves a strong armed force an expectation of every patriotic Indian.