Monday, May 26, 2014

Changing India Defensive into Offensive

Changing India Defensive into Offensive

Rashtrya Rifles Indian Army

From the Independence to till now the Indian Defence is intend to Protect our Nation from Enemy Invasions only Our Army is Only to Keep our Nation Secure and Didn’t interfere other Country’s Sovergenity in the name of WAR or Land Grab .

By the raising concern of West side and the Chinese Build Up of massive Offensive Forces that can intervene India at any time 


To eliminate the Hostile Situation in the Borders India too need an Offensive Capability to equal the Chinese Build up Both Air Naval and Ground. In recent The MoD of India Just give the nod to create a New Regiment Known as Mountain Strike Corps to counter the Chinese Build up near the Eastern Border .This Force can perform decent Offensive Operations If India Announced War against the aggressor China 

The Mountain Strike Corps 

Jungle and Night Attack Camo
    The Mountain Strike Corps are well equips Forces comprising the best Light Howitzer Imported from US the M777 .and the Attack Helicopter Squadron maybe the US origin AH 64 Longbow III otherwise the Home Grown dedicated attack Platform the Light Combat Helicopter and the Light Attack Platform the Rudra  along with Decent Air Transportation of The US Made Giant C 130 J Super Hercules and Rotary wing Platforms Like the US made CH 47 Chinook and the Russian Mi 17 v5 and the Home grown Dhruv Light Transporter 
US Soldiers Firing a M777 in Afghan

 The Soldiers are Equipped with latest Assault Rifles Such as the TAR 21 and the M 4 Machine Guns like M 249, M240 and the IWI Negav Sniper Rifles such as M 82, PSG 90 along with Desi Fire Arms Such as INSAS ,Trichy Assault Rifle and the Multi Caliber Rifles .To Prevent these Forces Being attacked By Enemy Armors and the Air Forces they Go with MANPADS such As the Famous Igla MANPADS for Air Cover and SPIKE ATGM for Armor Cover . These Forces also Come with their dedicated Group of Armors such as IFV and Main Battle Tanks for Assault  and VSHORAD systems to Protect the Forces from Enemy Air force and Cruise Missiles.

The US Army Apache Longbow III

CH 47 Heavy Lifter

These Forces are all combined by a C4I System to Communicate and Update their Mission Ops I Real time .Along with dedicated UAV Fleet and Remote Sensing Satellite give Real time Situational Awareness to the troops advancing to enemy Positions .the Forces also take part of Counter Offensive Mission and Special Missions Like Sabotaging Enemy Infrastructure and Special Ops along the Border Area 

INS Vikramaditya 

INS Vikramaditya

INS Vikramaditya
  The Aircraft Carriers are designed for Only one matters that means of Massive and Deadly offensive Operations against the Enemy Reinforcements and their Ships .The Indian Navy Recently inducted the 45000 Ton Mammoth Floating Air Base INS Vikramaditya .the Ships is Stationed in the Vishakapattinam Which is located in the Eastern Sea of The Bay of Bengal Sea Stationed here for Ready To counter any unwanted Activates done by the Chinese Navy .That means the Ship can Launch suddenly a Fleet of MiG 29 K Fighter from It’s deck . The Ship Comprising about 20 MiG 29 K Fighter Planes along with Rotary wings of Transport , Anti Submarine Helicopter Such as Ka 28 and Airborne Early warning Helicopters such as the Kamov ka 31, The Vikramaditya’s main Air Defence Systems are The Israeli and Indian Designed Point Defence Systems Barak 1 and Barak 8 one is SR SAM and another one is MR SAM awaited being Inducted
The Main Offensive Armament of the Vikramaditya is the Fighter Jets the 4+ generation fighter the MIG 29 K STOBAR .They can do any Missions from the Floating Airbase such Bombing in Enemy Infrastuture in Island and Sea Shore some Anti Shipping mission .Example is the MiG 29 k Carry 4 KH 31 Anti Ship Cruise Missile range Between some 50 Kilo Meters . Where the Ship Take off with 4 KH 31 Anti Ship Missile to nearly 600 KM and Drop the Package then return to the Ship ..That means It can do a Anti Ship Mission within 30 min at the distance of Nearly 650 KM or 300 Nautical Miles 

Scale of Kolkatha Class Destroyer

INS Arihant 

Poster of Arihant SSBN
Infogarphic about Arihant SSBN
  It’s a Second Strike Platform of Indian Defense It’s our most trusted Ally which always hide under the deep sea .It can stay nearly 500meter deep in the Ocean silently more than 90 days with making small Noise or Surfaced .It can carry Nearly upto 8 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles SLBM’s Each Missile Carries single or Multiple Warheads ranged Nearly 1500 KM to 10000 Kilo Meters with the Circular Error Probability CEP of 5 meters .It’s Truly a Armageddon Ship of India if anyone Nukes Indian Main Land .It’s Hard to find Other Enemy ASW Platforms to Search and Destroy the SSBN ..both our Enemies Pakistan and the Chinese Lacks of ASW Platforms Where we have Dedicated Air and Naval wing to do the ASW mission against our Enemies The main Example is the American Origin P 8 I Neptune .
Indian Navy P 8I Neptune

Indian Air Force 

Fan Art of FGFA
Fan Art of AMCA
  The Air force Will come more and More advance by indicting 5th Generation Stealth Fighter/Bombers that includes the T 50 , FGFA , Home Grown AMCA and the 4++ Generation Fighters Such the Dassault Rafale F3, The Super Sukhoi Su 30 These are Fully Capable Offensive AND Defensive Fighters along with 4+ Gen Fighters the MiG 29 UPG and Mirage 2000 TI .with a Dedicated Ground attack Platform the SEPECAT Jaguar DARIN III .this is a Massive Shoe of Force can be a Better Airforce after the US and Russia Kicking China into Fourth Place .For More about Our Future Air force Strength Please Check my Previous Post Beyond Indian Air Force