Beyond Indian Air Force
How the Indian Air force Looks in the Future
Unlike the Other Armed Forces Army and Navy The Air Force
has Formidable Future who inducting Array of Fighters Refuelers and AEWCS
Platforms .
Currently we Operating
Air Dominance / Superiority – Su 30 MKI , MiG 29 UPG
MRCA - Mirage 2000TI
CAS/Deep Strike –Jaguar DARIN III
Point Defence /interception – MiG 21 Bison
Ground Attack/CAS – MiG 27
AEWCS – Phalcon A 50
Refuelers – IL 78
Nearly 600 Modern Fighters along with Deadly French Israeli
Russian and Ukrainian Air to Air Missiles and Guided Munitions from US and
Israel currently the Indian Air force is more than enough to engage with Entire
Middle East except KSA, Israel .we outperform the PAF with Multinational
Fighters and Weapons.
Currently India is the Only Nation who has variety of Air
to Air Missiles in its arsenal . Have a Look out Of our Air Force Arsenal in
Beyond Future
Just like that what we get in the Future .IAF has Plans to
operate 5th gen Fighters and Medium to wide Body AEWCS and Aerial
Refulers to take the Place of World’s third massive Air Force.
The Air force has Option to Procure More Number of Fighters And other
Asserts mostly all of them in Pipeline .Have a look it .We have Option to get
FGFA AMCA as our Air Superiority along with Super Sukhoi ,we get Rafale for Multi Purpose Missions and
LCA MK 2 for Point defence/Interceptor Missions .along with wide A330 MRTT
Aerial refueler , The Heavy lifter C 17 and Medium lifter C 130 another MTA for
Strategic Purpose .wide range of AEWCS Fleet of DRDO based EMB 145 Medium and
Recently floated AEWCS tender to acquire 10 wide Body AEWCS plane for Special
Mission Purpose .and a rumor form Inside IAF to get squad of EA 18 Growlers for
electronic Attack Missions to outperform other nations Air Forces Jammers and Radar Networks last time I heard that IAF puts E/A 18 Growler in his Top List of EA Squad RFP .see How our Force in Future.
Air Dominance / Superiority – FGFA ,Super Sukhoi ,Mig 29 UPG
MRCA - Rafale F3 ,
Mirage 2000TI
CAS/Deep Strike – AMCA , Jaguar DARIN III
Point Defence /interception – LCA MK1 .LCA MK 2
AEWCS – Phalcon A 50 ,EMB 145 , Future AEWCS
Refuelers – IL 78 , A 330 MRTT
Electronic Attack – EA 18 Growler
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Let’s take a Scenario .Our Forces are advanced to Chinese Main land and China send a Squad of J 17 , Su 27 and J 20 fighter with A Dedicated CAS fleet to stop the Indian Advance ..quickly we can throw squad of Super Sukhoi with R 77 R 73 and R 27 .along with a LCA MK 2 with Indian Astra and Israeli Python and Derby and a Squad of FGFA with newer Gen of A2A missiles can easily destroy the Incoming Fleet of Chinese Multi Purpose Mission Squad .and Do not forget the Role of AEWCS Planes.