Monday, August 31, 2015

After Mi 35 Pakistan Eying Russian Yak 130 Trainer

After Mi 35 Pakistan Eying Russian Yak 130 Trainer

   The Pakistani Air force asks the Russians to offer the advance Jet Trainer Yak 130 A foreign source Defense world quoted. the Pakistani Air force don't have a Advanced Jet trainer which trains the Pakistani pilots to fly the most advanced 4+ or fifth Generation fighters, before adopting into a 4+ generation Fighters, one should trained in some modern trainer to study about the advanced facilities in the latest generation fighters, Pakistan earlier asked several countries to Supply the Advanced Trainer, however no one agrees to make a contract with Pakistan.

   As shining Relations with Russians, Pakistan slowly pitching the Russians for some advanced weaponry, as successfully signed the first batch of Mi 35 delivery, Russia offers much modern Tor M anti missile system to Pakistan, and Pakistan takes an advantage and ask the Russians to supply Su 35, as earlier reported by the Russian state owned Sputnik News. and now Pakistani's slowly pitching the Russians to supply some Yak 130 Trainers,

   The Yak 130 is the most advanced trainer compared to the Alenia Amerchi M 346, Northrup T 38 Talon and the British BAE Hawk, those advanced Trainer platforms also comes with Light attack capabilities too, compared to others, Yak 130 comes with pre -installed weapon suites, like Air to air and ground munitions, Reconnaissance pods, while other Trainers need some modifications before carrying the Ammunition load,

   Yak 130 comes with a fully digital glass cockpit, allows the Trainer to easily adopt the earlier mechanical compass into new generation digital readings, the Fully integrated Digital Fly by wire system allows the Trainee can control the Trainer very easily with the Trainer, Missile launching and guidance systems like Head up Display and Helmet mounted system allows the pilot to carry out simulated attack missions, which acts like actual combat missions.

   The Pre installed reconnaissance system like American GPS receiver and Russian GLONASS allows the Trainee to navigate and guide the simulated weapon to attack ground target in high precession, also the INS Inertial Navigation system allows the Trainee to fly very close to the designated path, also allows him to guide the Precession guided munitions to attack the ground targets,

    The Yak 130 can carry 3000 kilograms of External payload, which includes Guided and unguided weapons, with the support of Helmet mounted sight, the Yak 130 can fire R 73 IR guided heat seeking missiles, also it can launch precession guided munitions with the help of on board guidance systems like GPS and INS, unguided munitions like Dumb Bombs Rocket launchers also can be armed in the Yak 130, to increase the flight combat radius The Yak 130 can carry two external drop Tanks too.

   Yak 130 comes with two Al 225 Turbofan engines with the total output of some 49kN thrust, which brings the Aircraft at the speed of more than 900 kilometers, But same like others, The Yak 130 also a Subsonic Trainer, the Yak 130 can fly as much as height of some 42,000 feet, a good altitude to intercept unknown passenger Aircraft's.

   So far Pakistan uses some old Chinese model of Turboprop driven Trainers only, which makes some  difficulty to the pilots to touch the new generation fighter aircraft's, in Asia, Bangladesh also operating some Russian Jets include MiG 29 and the Yak 130 trainer,  Bangladesh receiving some Yak 130 from Russia, a contract made in early 2014 to deliver 24, Yak 130 to Bangladesh Air force,

   Yak 130 offered to India as well, In early 2012 the Russians formally announce that they will ready to supply the Yak 130 to Indian Air force, However during that time India taken delivery of BAE Hawk from England, so IAF thinks to order more number of Hawk from England, during that time Yak 130 wasn't completed it's sophisticated trails, that's also a major reason behind the IAF's refusal,

   Also Some western sources Reported the Turkish plans to gift some old American made Talon T 38 advanced trainers to Pakistan, However the gifting process not yet completed, that transfer need US approval, no more information found on the issue,  However It's clear Turkey hasn't yet starts the Gifting of T 38,

   As Pakistan requested this since days, Russians didn't responded about the Pakistani approach, It seems Russia might reject the Pakistani wish.