Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Terrorist Attack in India Leads to Nuclear war

A Terrorist Attack in India Leads to Nuclear war

Indian Soldiers in Operation

A combat Training of Door to Door Operation

Hunted Terrorists Originated from Bakistan
        It was 13th the December, 2001 and it was calm and eventless day in the National capital, New Delhi. It was around 11:45 am and reports of gun fire and huge blasts were being reported from the ‘power capital of India’, “The parliament “. The militants had struck at the heart of India, they had successfully attacked the very stature of India. The Indian forces respond immediately killing all the militants but India had lost around 9 brave souls who had made the ultimate sacrifice for the country. After investigation it was proved that the gunmen received instructions from Pakistan and the operation was carried out under the guidance of Pakistanis ISI agency. In response to the attack on 20 December, India mobilized and deployed its troops to Kashmir and Punjab in what is India's largest military mobilization since the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War.

    Both the states faced a very tense standoff during the period and it was only after a year the status returned to normal. Both the states are “Nuclear states “that have an arsenal of around 300-350 nuclear war heads at their disposal. Pakistan Army is known to have a very weakly structured hierarchy command. With any major Terrorist attack taking place inside Indian soil usually points the finger towards the involvement Pakistan government. In various attacks it has been established that the terrorists are either Pakistan citizens or the operation itself would have received substantially help from the ISI.  It has time and again been ascertained that Pakistan an active sympathizer of these terrorist forces and has soon little interest in dismantling them. US based think tanks have warned the pentagon that any major terror strikes against India may force the Indian government to sanction large scale hits on ‘Terror installations’ across the border This may be considered as an act of war and this may even lead to a full scaled war. With both states having nuclear warheads the ‘Think tanks’ have raised concerns of Nuclear-war. 

        Since India confirmed its nuclear program has promised to follow a policy of “No First Use”. But the Pakistan command since it conceived a nuclear program has not ascertained any of the concerns raised to date. India has time and again been on the receiving end when it comes to terrorist attacks. Repeated attacks may harm the integrity of the nation. In the recent past India has adopted a very tough stand against terrorism. Anymore attacks will surely force the government to sanction large scale retaliation attack against known ‘Terrorist Installations’ across the border. Pakistan has developed a module to co-operate with these terrorist groups but in the recent past the very home nurtured groups have struck back at Pakistan with attacks across the country. The large scale attacks sanctioned by the Indian government can be easily considered by the counterpart as an ‘Act of War’.

           With the Indian government launching a massive offensive using its Army and the SF (Special forces), Pakistan forces may launch a counter offensive but largely outnumbered and with a never acceptable defeat headed their way the Pakistan government may pull out its last option, a nuclear tipped missile that maybe launched towards India. But India is equipped with interceptors to shoot down the incoming threat and if at all Indian forces do fail to intercept the missile and the strike is successful. The SFC (Strategic Forces Command) would immediately order retaliation strikes against Pakistan from one of three platforms there by inflicting extremely heavy damage on the enemy which would effectively force them to surrender and concede defeat.

Editor Karthik Kakoor  
