Friday, August 23, 2013

Osama Bin Laden and Pakistan

    Osama Bin Laden and Pakistan


For the Dedication and Sacrifice to the Pakistan by their Prophet Osama Bin Laden they Should Honor Him at all cost 

Lets have Some Suggestion for that ..,

  • Osama Bin Laden was for them Messiah send from Allah for the Pakistani Cause

  • They Must ban Bollywood Movies and Songs for a Year or two as Show of grief of their Lose of National hero Osama 

  • Pakistan Must erect a Statue of Osama Must be the tallest in this world to Show Soldierity and Brotherhood for their cause. 
  • They should prepare a lesson for their School Students to Study the dedication of Osama to their Country

                                                                                                       -Some of them from Payeng