
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Coast Guard Dorneir Do 228 Missing off Chennai Coast

Coast Guard Dorneir Do 228 Missing off Chennai Coast 

A coast guard Dornier on a routine surveillance off the coast of Chennai, the Dornier lost it's contact with the Base station around 2100 hrs (9.00 pm)  last night. 

The Air surveillance Radar  installed on Trichy Tracked the Dornier off the Coast of Chennai outside some 95 nautical miles ( some 175 kilometers ). the last contact to the Radar is 2123 hrs, 23 minutes laster since the last contact. 

Navy and Coast guard received the information of missing Dornier Surveillance flight and rushed  it's Ships and Aircrafts for carryout Search and rescue mission. 

So far four Navy Ships along with some five Coast guard off shore patrol vessel begins the search south off Chennai coast, where the Last Contact was received, Aircrafts from  INS Ranjali naval base also carryout SAR missions to find out the missing aircraft. as of now one P 8I Long range Naval surveillance aircraft also pushed into Search and Rescue mission off Karikal coasts. 

The Missing Do 228 is newest in it's kind, Inducted into Indian Coast Guard last year, the Aircraft flown by Highly experienced pilots and crew's, Spokesperson Sitanshu Kar reported. 

Just a Month earlier , March 26 a Indian Navy Dornier Do 228 crashed off the Coast of Goa. killing two of it's crew including a women Officer, one of the officer rescued by a Fishing boat. 

Dornier Do 228 is a Multi purpose Turbo prop plane used by all services, Navy and ICG using it for communication and Surveillance, tracking and Anti submarine purposes, Designed by a German firm, with the ToT HAL building the Aircraft in India, more than  hundred of Do 228 in operational under Indian armed Forces.


10th June 2015 

Survey Ship INS Sandhayak with Portable equipments, used to search under waters arrived the Last known Position of ICG  Dorneir Aircraft.

Navy sends two P8 I long range maritime patrol aircraft for round a clock search, which can detect under water objects.

Indian Navy also sends a Submarine from Vishakapatinam Naval base fr underwater search, which is expected to arrive within a day.

The Search Area extended to  70 Nautical miles, from Mahablaiburm to Karaikal Coast.

The Tamil Nadu civil police send a request to the fisherman to check possibilities of the missing  Aircraft along TN coasts.

11th June 2015

Total of twelve Major Ships from Coast Guard and Indian Navy in the Search of missing ICG Dorneir Aircraft. also more number of Patrol Boats pushed for the SAR mission.

The Tamil Nadu Coastal Security Forces also carried out Aerial Search using it's para Motors, they also dispatched good numbers of Patrol Boats to help the ICG to find the Missing Aircraft.

12th June 2015

 The Hydrographic survey vessel Reached the Spot and conducting search, the Ship can gather signals from the Missed Aircrafts beacon, also can detect any kind of Transmission from the Missing Aircrafts, even it was in deep sea.

The TN coastal police carried out Search mission last day more than 90 minutes using the Paramotors, searching coastal area's over Marshy and Mangrove.

INS Sindhuvijay a Indian Navy Submarine expected to arrive the Spot by 13th July.

The ISRO Team also joined the search using the Remote sensing satellites.

Two Ocean science Study center's Help also sought, and ICG requested National Institute of Ocean Technology Chennai, to deploy their Research vessel Sagar Nidhi for augmenting the subsurface search.

 Another Team of M/s Omcar Foundation from Tanjore TN helping the Coast Guard to  undertake underwater photography and acoustic Survey.

13th June 2015

The search mission continues the fifth day, the Search mission almost reached 110 hrs since the ICG Dornier lost contact.

A multi Colored sheen of oil in concentric circles was sighted which indicated oozing oil. the sample of oil has been sent to the laboratory for analysis, yesterday also something like oil founds in the sea which was analyzed and found a Aviation fuel.

The Survey vessel INS Sandhyak undertaking sub surface search, detected intermittent transmission of 37.5 Khz, Likely to be from the Sonar Locater Beacon (SLB) of the missing aircraft. the transmission is around the position where the Air Traffic Control (ATC) radar had lost contact of the aircraft.

INS Sindhuvijay is likely to arrive in the area late in the evening for further agumentation of sub-surface search.

NIOT ( National Institute of Ocean Technology Chennai ) has sends its research vessel Sagar Nidhi which expected to arrive the spot by tomorrow.

ICG also sought help from Reliance India Limited to field it's Multi Support Vessel with Remotely operated Underwater Vehicle for underwater search.

14th June 2015

Search continued on the Sixth day, still no trace of the Missing Dornier, The Navy Ships and Survey vessels almost explored the possible Transmission beacn sound's place. But still no informations.

The Submarine INS Sindhuvijay arrived the Spot, and conducted submerged search and listening for Sonar beacon signals still no trace.

The TN police continued the Search with Paramotors, they too have no trace of the Missing Dornei.

15th June 2015 

Search continued on the seventh day, since the Dornier lost contact,

Still no informations from the lost Dormier off South Chennai Coast.

wife of Captain subash one of the Pilot in the Dornier, pledges request to the PM to find out her Husband

16th June 2015

Search continued on the Eighth day, Still no trace

No improvements reported.

The signal which was received is very abnormal also nit clearly transmitting

17th June 2015 

Search continued on the ninth day since the ICG Dornier lost with Three crew, still no trace.

Some reports says it's under the sea at the depth of some 700 meters.

18th June 2015  

No trace of the missing Dornier, Navy requests another Multipurpose research vessel from Reliance, The American made advanced Research vessel Olympic Canyon Expected to arrive the Spot by Tomorrow to conduct the underwater search, where the ROV can take Hi Resolution photos even under some 1000m depth

19th June 2015

Search continued on the eleventh day, still no traces and Updates from the Ministry spokesperson,

20th June 2015

from Spokesperson,

Sea bed profiling by NIOT Research Vessel Sagar Nidhi in the most probable area has not yielded any significant leads.

 Submarine INS Sindhudhwaj was again deployed in the area on departure of RV Sagar Nidhi.'

The submarine triangulated a source transmitting in Band II (8 – 40 Khz) in area.

Multifunctional Support Vessel (MSV) 'Olympic Canyon'  has begun underwater search since 19 June in the most probable area. The ROV of Olympic Canyon is capable of conducting underwater search besides capturing the video footage of the area.

4 ICG and IN ships are continuing search in the extended area. Aerial search is also being undertaken by CG aircraft.

21th June 2015

No Reports or Information about the lost Dornier, Still Maritime forces searching the Lost CG Dornier.

22th June 2015

The Navy starts analyzing underwater pictures taken by Reliance Research vessel Canyon, the ROV takes picture and video's in underwater. Navy says it takes one or two days to analyses the Pictures.

Also Reliance says, It will not bill the Coast Guard for using it's vessel for Searching the Lost Dornier,

23th June 2015 

It's more than 15 days since the contact was lost with the Coast Guard Dornier, It's expected that the search team discover the wreckages withing two days, where they almost found the Crashed area, the plane crash location identified off 16 nautical miles outside  Chithambaram City,

Navy withdrawn the Survey Vessel Saga Nidhi and using most advanced Reliance Ship Olympic Canyon, who is already taken underwater photos using it's Remote operated underwater vessel, the search area also decreased to 343 Sq,Km. as per Coast Guard officials within two or three days we get the full information about the lost dornier with three ICG Officers.

24th June 2015

          It's more than 18 days since the ICG Dornier Lost South off Chennai sea.But still no clear informations from the ICG or the Navy. the Coast Gurad IG Sharma said to the reporters that, the Plane can be fall under the 10,000 feet of Sea.

   The Advanced Olympic canyon and the Navy submarine also tried to locate the Missing dornier with the interrupted signals, but still they didn't get the exact loaction of the Plane which lies under the Ocean bed.

    Also it's predicted the Plane maybe fall deep under the ocean, which makes the delay of search, the depth estimated more than 10,000 feet

    The ICG Headquarters also dispatched another advanced Research vessel to locate the missing dorneir, which expected to join the search by tomorrow.

25th June 2015

Search continued, no updates abouts the search mission.

26th June 2015

Coast Guard continues with its search "Operation Talash" for the 19th day today, to locate the missing  Aircraft.

A total of 205 hours have been flown so far by ICG and IN aircraft towards the search, in addition to the surface efforts.

MSV 'Olympic Canyon' carried out seabed search in most probable area till 23Jun15; no significant lead could be established.

MSV Olympic Canyon has departed area and resumed normal operations.

Submarine INS Sindhudhwaj has resumed ops 2 locate missing a/c based upon the fresh inputs regarding seabed conditions.

In addition the ICG and IN ships and aircraft continue to search for the debris/ floatsam of the missing aircraft.

The families of the missing crew are being provided with regular updates about the ongoing search efforts

updates from Sitanshu Kar- Spokesperson Ministry of Defense

10th July 2015

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