
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Cameroons Alpha Jet Pounded Boko Haram Positions

Cameroons Alpha Jet Pounded Boko Haram Positions 

Cameroon's Alpha Jet

German Alpha Jet Showing Weapons
French Alpha Jet Flying

                  Last day Night the Cameroon President orders their Air Force and Army's Elite Forces to conduct Operations against Boko Haram Militants Positions in Cameroon Nigerian Border Area's .where previously the Boko Haram Terrorists Killed and kidnapped several Cameroon Citizens . 

               The Cameroon Air force reacted by the President Orders by Launching their Alone Jet's by Bombing Position of Boko Haram and Help the Ground Forces Assault the Terrorists . Cameroon's Air Force using only Alpha Jets Developed by German French Companies known Dornier and Dassault .which is a Light Attack but mostly used in Training role and Aerobatic Displays . 

                 But it can acrry decent Ground Strike Payloads such as Rocket Pods and Cluster Munitions . Even they carry Guided Missiles like American Side winder Missiles for Air to Air Engagements and AGM 65 Maverick Bombs to Destroy specified ground targets with pin Point Accuracy. and It can fly very Low level to Provide decent Gun Raid for the Ground Forces . with awesome Combat Radius of more than some 600 kilo Meters even in Lo Lo Lo Profile . But It's a easy target for AAA's and MANPAD .thankfully that Boko Haram doesn't have any such Platforms. 

           This is the First and Best Strike of Cameroons Air force by Killing almost nearly a 100 Boko Haram Terrorists . and the Cameroon Govt take Preventions measures to thwart Boko Haram Retaliations

               Meantime The Nigerian Authorities only Launching ground Forces to Prevent Boko Haram But their Tactics failed in recent Conditions where Boko Haram Kidnapping and Killing Civilians and Womens who going for Schools.    


Friday, December 19, 2014

ISIS Attacked US Army Base in Iraq

American troops battle ISIS for first time as they see off attempted attack by militants on Iraqi base 

  • Islamic State militants attempted to overrun Ein al-Asad base on Sunday
  • US support troops and advisers killed an unknown number of the militants
  • The troops were supported during the battle by F18 fighter jets
  • ISIS forced to retreat after suffering casualties during two hour firefight     

A number of militants have been killed in Islamic State's very first battle with U.S. ground troops after the extremists attempted to overrun an Iraqi military base.

The militants attacked Ein al-Asad military base on Sunday where more than 100 U.S. military support troops are based.

Despite launching the surprise attack just after midnight, ISIS's offensive was swiftly repelled when U.S. troops and F18 jets joined in the skirmish in support of the Iraqi Army.

Facing both Iraqi and US troops supported by F18 jets, an unknown number of ISIS attackers were killed during the two hour firefight before being forced to retreat.

Ein al-Asad came under repeated attack by ISIS troops in October, however, now bolstered by the U.S. assistance, it poses a much more formidable target

Originally Posted by Daily Mail

Monday, December 15, 2014

Photos : Hostage Situation in Sydney

Photos : Hostage Situation in Sydney

Photos Taken from Twitter feed various Sources 

It's Reported that Nearly 30 of them still inside the Cafe which of 5 of them escaped 

One Indian National Also inside Cafe . Indian Minister quoting foreign Media Reports

The Terrorist informed Hostage Placed 4 Bombs 2 inside the Cafe  2 of them Outside 

he Demanded ISIS Flag 

And want to Speak with Aus PM Tony Abott 

Police confirmed there is only one terrorist inside the Cafe 

Hostage #1 Escape

Hostage #1 Escape.
Hostage #1 Escape..

Hostage #2 Escape

Ozzie CT Squad Snipers
Ozzie CT Assault Team

NSW Police

Assault team Preparing

Deployed Police

CT Assault Forces

Police Patrolling
Taking Positions CT Forces

Police Patrolling

Counter Terrorism Squad

More Troops

Snipers Moving

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

India Looks American MQ 4C HALE UAV

India Looks American MQ 4C HALE UAV

     The Indian Navy Looks to Buy American HALE ( High Altitude Long Endurance ) UAV Specially for 24 hours Surveillance of Indian Coasts . The US forces Such as US Navy using MQ 4 C for Long Range Maritime Surveillance and the Air Force us RQ 4 named Global Hawk for some Ground Operation which gives assistance to US forces and Allied Forces Operating all over the World. The MQ 4C Always Fly at Altitude of some 60000 feet’s about which is vulnerable to most of the SAM Batteries . With speed of some 500km+ with some 24 Hours of Endurance.

    The Active Sensor Payload which is the Primary Sensor for Search and Track Targets . and A Hi Resolution Electro Optical Infrared Sensor (EOIR) for taking pictures and send it to General Head Quarters or Assigned Ships to Identify the Targets . even if Command need more Accurate information about the Target The UAV can come below 1000 ft and Gather Intel and Suddenly throttle over 60000 feets of Altitude . and Having some Electronic Support Measures which makes the UAV can operate at any Extreme Weather Conditions . The Main Active Sensor Radar capable of 360 degree view can give Track more than 100 of Targets at Fast refreshing Rate.

    Flying at the Height of 60000 Feet it does not Pose any Problems to Civilian Air Traffic in case it can used in such Civilian Air ways . The Air force version of RQ 4 C used in Baltic and Persian Gulf which having Highly Possible of Hot Zone . once the Iranian F 14 Tried to Intercept the Global Hawk which is used by the CIA to gather Intel about Iranian Nuclear Program . But the Global Hawk Managed to escape from the Zone with the Support of US Air force F 22 Fighter.

    The Indian Navy Currently Operates fleet of Manned Surveillance as well as Some Type of Unmanned MALE UAV's such as Heron UAV Imported from the Jewish State Israel . The Manned Platforms include Smaller Range Do 228 and Medium Range IL 38 SD from Medium to Long Range Tu 142 and Newly Acquired New Generation P 8 I . With the Unmanned MQ 4 they Navy get 24 hours of Patrol along the Indian Coasts with Just some 8 to 10 such Platforms.

    The Indian Army is also Looking for RQ Version of Triton for 24 Hours of Surveillance over the Border to Keep an Eye every Seconds on the Border . The Army uses small UAV's to MALE (Medium Altitude Higher Endurance ) such as Rustom and Heron. But which can easily shot downed by Enemy Air Defences. and The Army's JSTARS Which is Currently Shaping in Israel. But Bringing the RQ 4 can venerable to their AD systems thanks to its extreme Height of Operation although called as a Low Orbital Satellite Platform . which Brings our Forces 24 hours of Vigilance along our Borders and Coasts.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Improved Kolkata class Destroyer The Next Gen DDG

Improved Kolkata class Destroyer The Next Gen DDG

Video Presentation about Next Gen DDG


  Presenting the Next Generation home Grown Front line Destroyer . The government already had plans to Build Some Ships which where improved Parameters of Current Kolkatha Class Destroyed which is Flagship as well as Front line Destroyer of Indian Navy . The Improved one have advanced war fighting Capability and able to defend a Full Carrier Battle Group even if threaten by enemy Ballistic Missiles such as DF 21D.

Defensive Weapons

             The Next Gen DDG Carries comes with 8x2 sets of Anti Ballistic Missiles which will Smash enemy Ballistic Missiles in the Mid Air. While in the CBG Configuration those Chinese Anti Shipping Ballistic Missile Pose series threats to the main Air Craft Carrier. Accompanying two types of ABM's it Keeps the Battle Ships Safe from such Threats .with AD 1 ABM which having range nearly 5000 Kilo Meters which will keep the CBG from any kind of IRBM and SRBM type AShM missiles.

    Another eight set of PAD missile is used for Intercepting Ballistic Missiles within the range of 2000 Kilo meters. While those Systems already being evaluated and Tested in Lands. Now they looking to induct in the Ships which is similar to the US Navy's Arlegih Burke Class Destroyers SM 1 and SM 2 Class ABM's.

     The Indo Israeli JV made Barak 8 Missile to counter Supersonic low flying Anti Shipping Missiles similar like the Brahmos . the Brahmos version of P 800 recently delivered to the Syrian regime by the Russians serious threat to the Israeli's same goes for India too .China already have copied the same Missile whose named CX 1 recently revealed in the Zuzhai Air Show .Surely the Bakistanis soon get those Missiles From China with no doubts . also the Barak 8 engages Loitering Missiles as well as Small UAV's and Sea Skimming Missiles.Barak 8 range Limited as 70 KM.which having sets of 32 Launchers.

Another Set of 32 Launch tubes hosting Barak 1 Missiles which will do the same like Barak 8 with Similar Capabilities .Although Barak 1 is a Point Missile defense Systems to strike Multiple incoming Flying targets

A Set of four AK 630 Close in Weapon System to be Installed in the Ships to counter any kind of flying objects within the range of AK 630 .also IN looking to adopt the American Phalnx CIWS systems to replace old era Russian CIWS .they already floated the Tender but the status not known yet. there were totally Four sets of Defensive Weapons will be installed in the Next Gen DDG's

Offensive Weapons

  Package of 8 Brahmos Supersonic Anti Shipping Cruise Missile. Those are one of the smartest Cruise Missile which can destroy any Warships they can evade those enemy AAA's by Sea Skimming and Fly at Sea level. Currently the Indian Navy alone using the system where some other countries uses Land based Coastal Defence Batteries of P800 or Onyx.

   Package of another 8 Hypersonic Cruise Missile. as per Brahmos Chief the Hypersonic version should be available before 2020 until now those Launch tubes accommodate Land attack variant of Brahmos Supersonic Missiles. one Ship get upgraded by Hypersonic Missiles.then The DDG is a Nightmare to enemies in case of any Kind of War.

    Pack of 16 Nirbhay Crusie Missiles One of the Classic Indian Missile ever Developed Which can travel through some 1000+ Kilometers and Attack the Target .which having Guiding and Loitering capability can do anything like a Unmanned Cruising speed of 700Km/h and Flying at Tree Top level It's a Stealth Missile which can easily evade Enemy Radars.

    A 76 mm gun Oto Melara SRGM is Provide Close fire Support and Cover fire to Friendly troops and can be used for Anti Piracy Operations.

Radars and Sensors

   The main fire Control Radar is the Israeli made MF STAR which can track search and Guide the Ship and Their Weapons.It's a S band AESA radar.The radar employs multi-beam and pulse Doppler techniques as-well-as robust Electronic counter-countermeasures techniques to extract low radar cross-section targets from complex clutter and jamming environments.

    The MF STAR capable of Search and Track Hunderds of Tracks at very fast Refreshing thanks to 4 Side view of the Radar. The Radar Come with ECCM-Electronic Counter Counter Measure to detect less RCS Stealth warships and Jamming Sources.the MF STAR is operates as same as how the American Ageis system Works.

It can have some other Radars and Tracking systems and EW suits


     The Hull mounted SONAR is designed by Indigenous whose name Known as HUMSA-NG bow sonar which is Designed by BEL.Which is used for detect Submarines Operating underwater. There is another Towed Array Sonar is also embedded by the Ship's Navigation by Towing SONAR's into wider Area to Improve the ASW quality of the Ship. Recently DAC Clears the BEL ATLAS System to create it's system with a Foreign Company as a JV.

ASW Helicopter

  The Ship can accommodate Two Helicopters for ASW Fighting .It's Preloaded with the American made S 70 Which is a Export variant of US Version of MH 60 Sea Hawk .can Capable to detect enemy Subs can do search Operation.Humanitarian Operations such as Rescue and Friendly Engagements.Also it have Missiles in the Hard points for ASW and Anti Shipping equipped with Two mini guns in the Windows for Anti Piracy Operations.


    The Ships engine is Powered by a set of Rolls Royce engines which can Generate 9900 horse Power or some 7400 Kilo Watts per Side.It's also accompanies Primary Power source and a Power source which can run all the Electrical components in the Ship.

   Further More First Ship of the Class Should Be Rolled out by Before 2020 . where Initially four of them Planned

Art        Saurav Chordia
Article  Sajeev Jino

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Rajnath Singh’s Israel Visit Photos

           Rajnath Singh’s Israel Visit Photos

click Photos for Larger View 

Meeting with Israeli PM Mr. Benjamin Netenyahu
Meeting with Israeli PM Mr. Benjamin Netenyahu
Meeting with Israeli Defense Minister  Mr. Moshe Ya'alon
Onboard with Israeli NSA visit to the border areas

On International Border Israel Meeting with Out Post Soldiers

At the Western Wall (Kotel) Jerusalem

Walking into The Streets of Jerusalem

Eyes on Border : Rajnath Singh

   Eyes on Border : Rajnath Singh


                Border Security Forces one of the World's Vital force who Guarding the Most Violent Nations Borders which shares to India . To keep their Eyes from LoC to Gujrat Frontier all under Responsible for Ministry of Home Affairs . The New Minister is also Responsible for Internal Security as well as controlling another Rival Asian Giant who always trying to India from the North eastern Frontier . The ITBP also under the Ministry of Home Affairs .who prevent more than three attempts Chinese Soldiers tried to Enter India . The Minister Also raised additional Number of ITBP Troops also increase Infrastructure into the Border Area for Quick Re supply .with Latest Development of Laying Roads into the Eastern Borders with Collobration of Japan makes Clear Minister's Plan to Create a Equilibrium Force Development with China.

     The Minister Went to Israel to Explore Israel's Experience of Guarding the world's most sensitive Borders. Israel Shares Border to Syria and rival Hamas Controlled region where always Border incursion Sabotage Kidnaps Bombing Smuggling everything .But one of the World's Elite Force can handle the threat in daily daily Basis

           Rajanth's Recent Visit to Israel indicates He impressed in Israel way of handling with Terrorists and Keep their Border always Monitored and Keep safe their Citizens . A recent Photo Emerged from His Facebook Page where he Visit a International Border Posts and Spent time with the IDF Soldier's who guarding the Frontier. It's simply a rare occurrence No country's High Level Minister's will not go their Border's and Shares their Time with Them .Previously Mr.George Bush and Barak Obama  Shared their time with the Korean Soldier's Who guarding the Barbaric North Korean Borders. Rajanth also take a Helicopter ride and Turn around Border area of Israel and identified their Facilities and infrastructures. 

             When BJP lead the India as a Leader from this Year Eleection They significantlly Moves Ties with Jerusalem at Bullet Train Speed .Meeting with Prime Minister of Israel .inviting their Homeland Security Adviser Cohen. Inviting Their Ex President Israel Mr.Shimon Peres to India .all Happens in just Six Month Frame.more Public Released defence deals such as Barak 1 Missile deal Spike ATGM Deal .UAV deal and some secret Deal which is not available for Public Domains.

          India and Israel's Homeland Security pact also a Important one .where we Mutually take care of each of nations Internal Security .where I don't find any other Countries can have such Pact.It's a Significant fact with the Jewish state who facing Muslim Extremism Everyday same goes for Bharth Too.while Israeli National Security Adviser Explores India and It's Security Measures to Keep their Peoples safe from Terrorism as well as Internal threats same Our Home Minster is in Israel to Explores their field of Dealing with terrorism and Border Incursion.Shows that India have their Partner to Deal with Terrorism  Mutually.